Meat Processing Services

USDA Processing
Country Butcher is the only USDA inspected meat processing facility in the Yuba-Sutter area, allowing us to process for customers looking to sell their products anywhere from a small farmers market to large grocery chains or wholesale. We are one of only a few small Federally inspected facilities in the North State, and proud to provide a link that improves local producers ability to market local meat to local markets.
CDFA Processing
We are also the only processing facility in the Yuba-Sutter area that is inspected by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, allowing us to cure and smoke products for retail sales.
Ranch Butchering/Custom Exempt
Country Butcher offers quality ranch butchering services at fair prices. Services include processing beef, pork, lamb, and goat, as well as smoking hams, bacon, sausage, snack sticks, and jerky. All animals are tagged with customers’ name and contact information from the time of receipt until meat is picked up. All meat is vacuum sealed, flash frozen, labeled with customer name and package date, and returned with a full inventory of products.
Wild Game Processing
We process all types of wild game and produce a variety of fresh and smoked specialty products. We process hundreds of deer, elk and other wild species in the fall, so wait times for specialty items can be lengthy. Please be sure to read and understand our wild game processing policies when you drop off an animal.